Saturday, October 15, 2016

Colorado Dreamin'

I love the dream you shared - Thank you.
Your descriptions of the desk and books - and chair where you will write your letters.  
so beautiful - I can smell the leather in your dream library - and picture it perfectly. 
I hope you enjoy the ink blotter I shipped - it will fit perfectly in your library den.   I'm enjoying this "DREAM SERIES" we are sharing.
Here is another dream of mine =
Dream # 2
I live in a small town tucked into the lodgepole pines of the Colorado Mtns - maybe a spruced up trailer or tiny small house.  I work the breakfast shift at the best little diner for miles.  
I wear a uniform with Ruthie embroidered on the front.  I have my regulars, that tip very well!   They wonder about me, I hear them quietly talking - their imagination is so much better than the truth, that I have to smile to myself!  some flirt - but, never succeed = it's playful and harmless.   Maybe it's the mystery that makes them keep coming back! It's not just my peach cobbler, the cleavage, or the fit of the uniform.
After my shift, I go home to my container gardens of mountain wildflowers 
(container X wild ?? oxymoron)   I hang, dry and press - make cards and make collages to frame.  I sell these at the local bookstore and seasonal craft fairs - the Best I keep for myself!  The afternoons are spent hiking new trails, or some old favorites, and I find new varieties of flowers to collect. I stop by a mountain stream for my sack lunch - Milli from the diner, always throws in extra pickles for me!  I journal, sketch the beautiful Scarlett Indian Paintbrush, or simply daydream.  Evenings, on a rare occasion, I'll wander into town, to a barstool and a live set of some local "white guys with guitars!"  Nick, the bartender, always has my cocktail on the bar before I even settle in on the stool. 
Just one set, wanting to avoid the fluorescent lighting and desperation of the Last Call!  
But, most evenings are spent alone in my cozy camp with my music collection,  still trying to master (ha!) that guitar tutorial on my computer, or catch that elusive song lyric I will write.  I email with old friends, read books, experiment with new recipes for the Diner - the cherries are ripe for picking -  perhaps a cherry bread for tomorrow  ...
I have a  friend - NOT a local,  he's a trucker! - he passes through town regularly, enough, - dead-heading back to his base. Yes, I now speak fluid CB slang.  He travels from, say ... Vancouver to  "the Gateway."  He probably hauls something like = Salmon Jerky!    
I eventually get used to the smell.    
He stays -  just long enough,  ~ he knows the better side of me. 

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