Wednesday, October 12, 2016

ink on paper

"so, forgive me if this all sounds limp and monotone - it is not meant to be, but email neuters emotion from text, it sucks dry all feeling, leaving people to resort to crass picto-grams to depict their sorrows and joys .......
I never could get the hang of those smiley faces
   : - )
no, I won't even try. 

The handwritten letter holds so much more; words that can be traced, paper that can be touched and smelt and letters that can be stored as precious memories, to be feasted upon whenever the soul needs vigor.
You are right, thankfully we missed the email phenomenon.

I don't think a week has gone by where I have not thought about you - I never ever thought 
I would hear from you again after I stopped writing, - Our time together was one of the most special and meaningful periods of my life, and I cherish dearly those memories, they are my sanctuary, my retreat and an inspiration of what love can and should be."

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